Welcome to LifeGlo
Holistic Lifestyle &
Nutrition Coaching
With Sarah Thorburn
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” - Ayurvedic Proverb
Holistic Lifestyle & Nutrition Coaching
If you're ready to improve your health and wellbeing, but need help bridging the gap between thinking about it and actually taking action, then coaching will support you to take charge of your choices in a mindful, intuitive and enjoyable way.
Holistic Coaching takes into consideration all aspects of a person’s life, physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual! Crucially it creates a safe space for self-discovery and helps you see things from a different perspective, building your self-compassion and self-belief. You will be empowered with tools and knowledge that truly resonate, to create new possibilities and choices for yourself while exploring solutions to any barriers or limiting beliefs holding you back. You will learn to tap into your own intuition, harnessing your strengths and resourcefulness, enabling you to move forward and achieve your health goals in alignment with your core values.
As a qualified Holistic Lifestyle & Nutrition Coach, I believe the key to our health and happiness lies in our gut (also our intuition centre!). When we provide the nourishment our bodies and brains truly need, it’s not just our physical health and energy that benefits, but also our mental and emotional wellbeing, mood, self-esteem and overall zest for life!
Yet, many people are out of touch with what their bodies really need to thrive, or have developed a dependence on unhealthy foods and unhelpful lifestyle habits. Caught up in the pressures of modern life, the pursuit of dieting, fatigued, struggling with digestive discomfort, food sensitivities or other anxieties surrounding food and body image - too many people are disconnected from their bodies and therefore lose sight of the bigger picture of their wellbeing, sacrificing the enjoyment and pleasure of food along the way.
My mission is to help people reap the many mind-body benefits of real, whole and fresh foods, whilst helping them to master the art of making mindful, intuitive food, self-care and lifestyle choices that are emotionally nourishing too.
Recipe for Wellness
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I would love to connect with you! To find out more about my 1:1 coaching sessions and packages or to schedule your free discovery call today, just fill out the contact form and hit send!